Sunday, January 16, 2011

Yeast Infection Symptoms- Several Signs

Symptoms of candida irritation in women can be detected very quickly. This is on account of the course of the irritation is both painful and embarrassing. They usually develop in the vaginal area and the infection is certain to cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Quite easily your quality of life gets affected. So, there are things for you to observe in case you feel that you are a sufferer of itching yeast infection symptoms.

Several of the well known signs and symptoms of a yeast infection can include:

You feel an itching sensation in the groin area and it stays causing a lot of embarrassment and irritation.

A lot of the times when you urinate you may experience, a burning type feeling. The discomfort can be acute that you might not feel like using the bathroom. At times the discomfort becomes so bad you need to run warm water over the affected area.

In many cases the infection starts spreading and you may can find a rash on other areas of the body. This however, can happen at a time when you disregard the affected condition for some time without considering a certain med type.

In some instances you may notice a thick white colored creamy fluid discharge. In some cases it looks like cottage cheese. This smelly discharge is not like the stereotypical female discharge and it doesn't have the common odor.

Pains while having intercourse are common yeast infection symptoms. Clearly, this may also due to other illnesses, but yeast infection can indeed be a cause of this.

Yeast infection while pregnant is also a common occurrence. This can happen mostly because at the time of pregnancy you're immune system can become weakened and you are prone to several irritations. The symptoms are quite obvious. You might find red blotches on the groin area and can be associated with thick discharge. However, You could have infection on the tongue too. In all cases however, a proper medication is required to rid yourself of the infection as fast as possible.